Sunday, 24 August 2008

'The podium will grow up overnight'

'The podium will grow up overnight'

So says the charming man walking me through the final ceremony. He was referring to the sweet spot in the Bird's Nest where I will humbly receive the Olympic flag.

I have rehearsed it many times in my head. But today I got shown in detail what to expect on the ground.

Before any public performance, I'll be shaking hands with the four most senior politicians in China. Pondering that I bumped into Diego Maradonna - big smiles all round. Had a jog on the track just to imagine what that would feel like.

And then - two top tips on waving the flag. Opening it, or unfurling it properly is the first challenge. And its tougher than you think. Then I'm told to ensure I show my face as I wave it four times.

What's needed they tell me here is to show the world our confidence. That - in front of billions of people and the finest physical specimens of our times, will be tough indeed - but I also can't wait!

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